Sunday, December 5, 2010

Wholesale Pontoon Trailers Pimpeando: D

* Pimpeando community!

Come with us to talk [info] en_argentino

* On the other hand ... I signed up as fanart to [info] hpbigbang_es . For the Big Bang and normal Reverse BB O_o

Ups "? The same lack

enough, and did not take much to make a fanart (two days maximum, three in a very complicated as I did with watercolors to Infinitus), but I still feel a little guilty to score in fannish things when I have final pay ... Oh, well. It's not like si no fuese a perder tiempo dibujando igual XD

* Moving along... I signed up as a fanartist for the [info] hpbigbang_es . For both the regular Big Bang and the Reverse one O_o


Anyway, it's still a long time away, and it doesn't take me that long to draw a fanart (two days max, three for something really complicated like the one I did for Infinitus), but I still feel a little guilty, signing up for fannish things when I have finals... Oh, well. It isn't as if I wasn't going to procrastinate by drawing anyway XD


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