Monday, November 22, 2010

Pic Of Brazilian Wax Jobs

Boardwalk Empire. Lucky Luciano & Arnold Rothstein. 4,100 words.

- happens before the start of the series, so no spoilers. Because I myself have only seen up to 1x07.
- is the gene with some subtext (like the series, come on).
- do not rule out some day write a porn with no plot to get even.
- In some ways follows the true story of the characters but sometimes I pass through the lining.
- Sorry for the mistakes and blunders, historical or otherwise.

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first thing he did after leaving Lucky Luciano from prison was going to see Arnold Rothstein. Well, not exactly. Toin reply, with one hand while adding sugar to coffee, the other made a gesture of impatience Lucky concluded that it was a negative. He resigned himself and began telling the first job that he had made up upon arrival to New York with ten years was to protect Jewish children bullies in the road from his house to school and vice versa. - Do you really think that this is a good way to start a conversation with me? - Rothstein
interrupted Lucky
only able to respond with a shrug, so Rothstein continued:

- How much did you pay them these unprotected judiítos? What if you could afford what actions undertaken?

- Well- Lucky began with no idea how to continue.

- Never mind. I can imagine. But why not save us both time and go to the point? I guess you did not come to me to tell me about your childhood memories.

From there things were even worse and ended Lucky cheek against the tablecloth tables, because the orangutan had thrown an arm up and he was crushing his head against the table, and the other one was squeezing behind his back, which he did writhe in pain.

- Boy, I'll give you two free tips ... - Rothstein said impassively without leaving your chair -. No, three. First, do not get into the lair of the wolf to threaten him. Second, if you wantan arrogant, selo only who is less powerful than you. And third, an American and you have to wear a vest.

In retrospect she realized that perhaps it sounded arrogant and threatening. But it was his nature. I could not avoid. When I finally let go this dunce, after repeating a million times that there had been a misunderstanding, although the suit was settled with theatrical air to recover its dignity and made sure to smile to downplay the humiliation that had just suffered.

decided to try a new tactic, put his best face nice guy, we loved the girls, and convinced the powerful Arnold Rothstein pounding her but did not want to do business with him, somebusinesses that would be very helpful for both.

- We were so, Charles - was the formula that Rothstein sealed the deal, without getting up from the chair, barely looking at him, and Lucky felt he had to say something.

- Everyone calls me Lucky.

- Is not it ironic that someone who just got out of jail because he got caught still want to call Lucky?

Lucky had no idea what it meant

ironic, but I could sense that was not good.

- Well, I have only been six months for drug trafficking and taking into account that for the poly I suspect a lot of murders, but never been able to find evidence to incriminate me, I did noti was a fucking book. But concluded it meant he could go. He smiled again, to make it clear that he had controlled the situation and leave with a better

. But before leaving the booth, Rothstein's voice stopped him

- Charlie, I really hope your cheek and your ambition is manifest also in your facts and not just your words. Yes, really talked like a fucking encyclopedia, and Lucky was not at all sure that he liked to call him Charlie, but he would not complain about trifles, because in the end everything went without a hitch. Lucky had told him that, thanks to a murmur that was heard in the prison knew who had been the one who had swiped the heroin came from Mexicostars that there was only one step. ***


A Lucky did not like particular play. Considered the letters a game for meapilas. And any other games that involve guessing what number he thought was going to be stupid. Also, never won. Was relieved when Rothstein explained that almost all the games were rigged and that winning at cards luck had nothing to do, you just had to know how to read opponents. Still, she loved going to the casino that Rothstein had on Long Island. He loved to greet the doorman saying his name and he opened the door to let him pass with a slight bow to a place where you could only enter with inv
- But it's a fun and uplifting story, right? This is the only thing that interests people. - Okay - gave Lucky turned to put the vest.

- Is not that better? - Rothstein said as he fastened the buttons of his waistcoat. - After testing a silk shirt will not want to revert to a cotton.

- We'll see - gave Lucky. - And you should go see my tailor to make you better outfits. Do not worry, it's not the soban you more than necessary. Unless you want. Lucky sometimes did not understand Rothstein. And not because I talk like a fucking book. Also. His head out or not, any other for much less would have madeor to thank him, because he knew Rothstein liked when I thanked him. Then they went a long time without saying anything. Rothstein did not seem uncomfortable, but Lucky was grateful for having a cigarette in the fingers and concentrate on doing something rather than look like a breaded yellow wall in front of us. Instead, Rothstein appeared to have no objection to looking out the window, even though the only view we had was the left wing of the hospital, a front window full of tiny, identical to that should be able to see those who were in the other side.

Finally, Rothstein broke the silence and, in a monotone, said that everything was fine, that no jockey would give them more problems, now andNo place was one who would win when he had to win and lose when I ordered. And then he added that the doctor had told her that if she behaved well weekend and he would be discharged. With any other, Lucky would have been required to maintain its reputation and had joked about how she would like to misbehave with a special nurse, or would love to take a couple of young nurses home to take care of him during day every day, or something. But not Arnold Rothstein.

- I told you that you can not ever trust an Irish bastard - what he said.

was like I was expecting a
thanks Rothstein because he had not smiteoo sorry a
Lucky because he had achieved himself, though he knew he had no right to expect, because after all he had done nothing more than doing his job.

- Yes, that's what they say. "But surely you also have said a thousand times that you can not trust a Jew bastard? - Rothstein said, still looking out the window.

And Lucky, but could not see Rothstein, shrugged and mumbled that meant he was right. ***

1920 Lucky was already hartísimo hear the chatter of Meyer Lansky as the prohibition on prices would rise and people would be happy to pay high prices porque remain convinced that higher quality at higher prices. So I got rid of him, let the can give to others and went to sit at a table alone. He devoted himself to light matches, to hold them and let them burn until it burned his fingers and then dropped in an ashtray. Rothstein Shortly after his cup of tea with a corresponding plate on the table and sat next to Lucky, so close to him that he had to turn to face him head forced into a corner.

- Charlie, I thought you'd be one of the girls holding the ban.

- thought you'd be playing a game - Lucky ventured.


Touché. Lucky

not know what he meant with Rothstein

That was one of the few occasions that Lucky could easily make a direct question to Rothstein.

- Well, it's not so hard to figure it out. Wednesday at ten o'clock always disappear for an hour. Once he even told me you had to go to the dentist. And then you always go back walking like a cowboy without a horse.

Any other man would have said that with a little smile, mocking arrogant, self-satisfied fully. But not Arnold Rothstein.

- but that's it. I'm cured. Everything is fine - he hastened to clarify Lucky -. It is not why I do not want to be with a girl. Is it really because I do not like paying for something I can get for free.

- Sure, Charlie - Rothstein granted, but then added: - Although the problem is that in every relationship, even when you're paying with money, is paying in some way.

- I guess, but not the same. It still do not like the pay for a girl. It is only now that I'm not in any - insisted Lucky to make it absolutely clear, that there was no confusion.

- Both da pay with cash and with things like flowers or expensive perfumes, or fur coats, or front row tickets for the theater, or even compliments or pretending that we are interested in what we are telling the girl we want something.

- Guess - Lucky repeated.

- But this pasa in all relationships, not only between men and women - continued Rothstein and Lucky nodded, because during the Lucky Rothstein digressions could do nothing but nod, not because not interested but because they could not think of anything to say beyond of
-. For example, you and me. Beyond the professional relationship, in exchange I will teach you some things, you put up with you scold and you sometimes say things that embarrass you.

And Lucky smiled in a way that Rothstein could have said that denote a point of shyness and embarrassment. Then

Rothstein put his hand on the shoulder and Lucky was aware of the pressure of each of his fingers to the point that it looked like burnediosidad to know what women tell them to dazzle.

- Well, sometimes I tell the story of that time convinced that if a police officer was robbed because the Virgin Mary had appeared to me in dreams and told me I had to steal from the rich to give to the poor - Lucky said, feeling comfortable again -. Someone once taught me that a story need not be entirely true to be good.

- This one should be an intelligent person.

- Yes - Lucky said with amusement, as he scratched his head.

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